Just completed another Battleboards terrain board project.
This project was set on an alien world called Fenris, a frozen plant of ice and snow which is the home planet of a chapter called Space Wolves.
The landscape include a large fortified wall with laser cut doors which operate, a landing pad with working lights and a large forge structure were the chapter would make weapons and armour.
The project took over 6months to complete and included animated LED lighting effects. The terrain model was produce to play Warhammer 40K a popular game made by Games Workshop. Players game on the table in much the same way you would play chess. The rules are far more complicated and consist of several books and compendiums that contain all the relevant rules required for movement and combat. Each player take it in turn to fight and conqueror the terrain.
The project was made into x6 boards or tiles each being 2ft x 2ft. These are designed to come apart and be moved around into differ configurations matching different set up for various gaming scenarios.